MyPolice-App - Privacy

1. General

The Integrated Police services (Federal Police and Local Police zones) attach substantial importance to privacy protection and process the personal data they receive or collect with the greatest care.

This policy describes how this application processes personal data, in accordance with the obligation of transparency provided for by data protection legislation.

The applicable legislation includes:

Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data ("GDPR"); the Law of 30 July 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data ("Data Protection Law").

2. Who are we?

This application is an integrated application for both the Belgian Federal and Local Police.

The Federal Police, represented by the Directorate of Police Information and ICT Resources (DRI), is the generic manager, but certain content which constitute a specific process are independently managed by different directorates of the Federal Police and/or police zones.

The Federal Public Services Chancellery of the Prime Minister and Policy and Support are its processor.

3. What are personal data?

Personal data means any information that directly or indirectly identifies a natural person, such as a name, an address, an identification number, an IP address, a number plate, etc.

4. What personal data do we process?

We only collect and process personal data to inform and/or respond to you when you complete an online form, subscribe to a newsletter, search for specific information based on your location or browse the different pages of our application.

The following data are processed on this application:

  • personal identification data (e.g. last name, first name, address and telephone number);
  • electronic identification data (e.g. IP address and cookies);
  • personal details (e.g. place and date of birth, nationality and geographic location);
  • data relating to your interactions with us through our website, applications and emails.

5. How do we use your personal data?

Through this application, there are three types of personal data processing operations:

5.1 the use of user preferences for consulting the application/website and/or providing information;

The main purpose of this application is to provide information to users. Therefore, the use of user preferences such as the choice of language, police zone or display style saved on the user's device is necessary to ensure the effective operation, display of correct information, security and overall analysis of the application on the basis of legitimate interest. The use of GPS data is optional and subject to the user’s express authorisation (via their device settings) in order to provide them with a personalised service based on their position.

5.2 the collection of contact details through different forms;

When you contact the police services through the application or the site to which you are redirected, you are asked to provide a set of personal data such as your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and IP address from which you are connecting.

The police services use your personal data for the purposes for which you provided them and to ensure the security of the infrastructure or information provided to you. For example, if you provide your name and address as part of a request for information, these data will not be used for any other purposes or to send you other information, such as newsletters.

Please note: emails, including messages from contact forms on the website or application, are stored in the email archives for a period of 1 year. You have the right to object to this archiving by indicating your wish to have your message deleted after the request has been processed, in each message relevant to your request.

On the website itself, the data retention period is also limited to 1 year.

5.3 data collection for policing purposes (i.e. in the context of administrative and/or judicial police missions).

The police services use your personal data for the purposes for which they were provided and to be able to carry out their administrative and/or judicial police missions.

The processing and retention of personal data for administrative and/or judicial purposes are governed by:

  • the Law on Police Function;
  • the Law on the Integrated Police;
  • the Code of Criminal Procedure;
  • Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data;
  • the Law of 30 July 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.

6. Retention of your personal data

In the absence of legal provisions specifying a specific retention period, such as those in the Law on the Police Function, the police services will not keep your personal data longer than necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.

By way of illustration, the ministerial circular PLP40 on local police archives sets out a series of retention periods.

7. Who has access to the personal data collected through the application?

The personal data collected through the application are processed by the application manager.

For technical reasons, these data are also accessible to the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, which hosts the website and the database (Drupal). Certain data are also collected by external technical service providers (Google Analytics/Ref. Cookies Policy).

As a general rule, personal data will not be transferred to other organisations, except to comply with legal obligations or at the express request of the judicial authorities.

Data may be transmitted to the authorities, supervisory bodies and other third parties in the context of certain legal obligations, for example in the case of suspicion and/or attempt to detect certain criminal offences, if users breach the application's terms of service or for the purpose of safeguarding the personal data processing policy.

8. Links to websites operated by third parties

If you click on a link on this website, you will be redirected to a website that is not necessarily controlled by the Federal Police It is your responsibility to assert your rights with the Data Controller for this website.

9. What are your rights and how can you exercise them?

9.1 Rights of data subjects

Data subjects, i.e. those individuals whose personal data are processed via the website, have several rights:

  1. the right of information: under the obligation of transparency, police services must provide data subjects with information about the processing of their personal data. This is the purpose of this page.
  2. the right of access: data subjects have the right to access the personal data that they have provided to the police services through the website or the application.
  3. the right to rectification: data subjects can request that incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete data is updated or rectified.
  4. the right to erasure: data subjects have the right to obtain the erasure of personal data relating to them, without undue delay. However, this is not an absolute right.
  5. the right to withdraw consent: where personal data processing is based on consent, data subjects may withdraw consent at any time. However, this right can be restricted.

These rights can vary depending on the type of processing carried out through the website or application:

  • if the processing relates to the use of cookies or the collection of contact details using a form or geolocation in order to provide a personalised service, data subjects potentially have all the rights mentioned above (points 1 to 5);
  • if the processing relates to data collection for a police process (administrative and/or judicial police missions), data subjects only have the rights referred to in points 1 to 3.

9.2 Exercising the rights of data subjects

Requests to exercise these rights also vary depending on the type of processing carried out through the website or application:

  • if the processing relates to the use of cookies or the collection of contact details using a form or geolocation in order to provide a personalised service, requests are sent to the police services using the online privacy form;
  • if the processing relates to data collection for a police process (administrative and/or judicial police missions), the request must be sent to the Supervisory Body for Police Information Management (COC)

at the following address:

Supervisory Body for Police Information Management

Rue de Louvain, 48

B-1000 Brussels


Application users can also contact the COC if they are dissatisfied with the response from the police services.

10. Appeals mechanism

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial appeals mechanism, you may submit a complaint to the Supervisory Body for Police Information Management and seek judicial redress if you consider that your rights are infringed or that the processing of your personal data constitutes a breach of data protection law.

11. Data security

The police services take all necessary measures to ensure the security of your personal data. They ensure that your data is protected against unauthorised access, unlawful use, loss or unauthorised modification. The police services have implemented technical and organisational measures to guarantee the security and confidentiality of your personal data.

12. Data Controller and Data Protection Officer (DPO)

12.1 Data Controller

For processing carried out by the Federal Police, the Data Controller is the Federal Police, represented by the Directorate of Police Information and ICT Resources (DRI).

12.2 Data Protection Officer (DPO)

You can send your comments and complaints regarding the processing of your personal data on the website to the DPO.

Updating of this policy

This policy is subject to updates. Consequently, you are asked to review it periodically so that you can be informed of any changes.