First Chief Superintendent
General Commissioner of the Federal Police



2023 was again turbulent year. We were faced with a complex societal context with organised crime hanging as a shadow over our society.

Serious and socially disruptive crime constantly challenged our flexibility. Drug crime, a constant threat accompanied by ever more severe violence, required a resilient and determined approach.

Cybercrime continues to rise exponentially. The difficult but engaging cat-and-mouse game with smart cybercriminals within a high-technology environment is a continuous trial for our experts.

The geo-political tensions in Ukraine and the Middle East have had an impact on security elsewhere in the world. We are constantly challenged to control protest actions and demonstrations.

The dramatic events of 16 October 2023 in the heart of Brussels reminded us of the latent terrorist threat. We have to be able to address this at all times, to continue to improve ourselves, and to enhance the information and decision chain together with our partners.

In 2023, the Federal Police was constantly engaged in tackling these challenges, threats and forms of crime with a view to protecting the population and ensuring the respect for and the protection of individual rights and freedoms as well as the democratic development of society.

Together with our partners and under the lead of our authorities, our people have proudly and unflinchingly worked to meet these challenges. The Local Police, sometimes in support, sometimes by taking on our missions, equally helped us in coping with these challenges. As General Commissioner ad interim of the Federal Police, I am proud of the commitment of our staff.

This annual report gives a short overview of our specialised contribution to increasing security and of last year’s achievements.

In 2024 also, the security challenges will be manifold.

Together with the other members of the management committee, I look to the future with confidence.


First Chief Superintendent Eric Snoeck

General Commissioner

PDF version

Download the 2023 annual report of the Federal Police in PDF format!

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