Non-operational support to the Integrated Police

The Federal Police as an employer

None of the results highlighted in this report could have been achieved without the backbone of the police, i.e. our workforce. Every day, our police officers in the field can count on the support of experts in HR, logistics, public procurement and budget management, IT, law, well-being, training, recruitment, etc. Most of this support benefits to the Integrated Police as a whole.

On 31 December 2023, the Federal Police had 13,909 staff members (incl. the Directorate of Infrastructure Security - DAB):

  • 10,530 operational staff 
  • 3,379 civilian staff

In 2023, the number of women in the Federal Police grew by 1.47%. At the end of 2023, the Federal Police employed 4,292 women and 9,617 men.

HR noteworthy achievements 

In 2023, several measures of the sector agreement on working conditions came into force with a view to updating the police staff remuneration package:

  • meal vouchers
  • teleworking allowance 
  • first stage of a salary increase for certain categories of personnel 

Last year, the Federal Police worked out a policy plan for the harmonized and improved treatment of post-traumatic symptoms and post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSS) within the police workforce. This plan covers the prevention of post-traumatic symptoms and the support and follow-up after a major incident, as well as PTSS detection and treatment. For 2024, the challenge will be to update the  care package. 

Recruitment for the Integrated Police

Recruiting the best possible people is a never ending story: the police continuously recruits on an ever evolving labour market where there is at present a fierce war for talent.     

The increasing complexity of police work due to the use of new technologies combined with a multitude of information and the required respect for privacy, goes hand in hand with the permanent challenge to attract expert profiles for specialized jobs.

In 2023, several approaches were adopted to secure the right (expert) profiles:

  • The Federal Police continued to focus on employer branding via campaigns – 23 in 2023 – targeting priority regions, language and specific profiles.
  • The cooperation with e-Gov for the recruitment of IT-experts and partnerships with colleges and universities was maintained.
  • The partnership with the non-profit association Capital was extended by three years. The objectives are threefold:
    • Recruitment: help Brussels young people find a job.
    • Improve the relationship between young people and the police.
    • Increase diversity within the police.
  • Partnerships with value-driven sports federations (Belgian Cycling, Judo Belgium) were also continued. The same applied to the cooperation with the public employment agencies VDAB, Forem and Actiris.
  • The provincial cooperation was further reinforced with the support of the governors of Antwerp, East Flanders, Flemish Brabant and Limburg.
  • The Federal Police organized three job days specifically focused on the diverse range of specialized jobs at the Federal Police. At these events, staff members – our prime ambassadors – explained the career possibilities and the content of the specialized jobs.
  • The Federal Police participated in 735 recruitment events (open days, job fairs, information days, etc.).
  • The Federal Police coordinates a network of 2,800 contact points for recruitment (1,200 more than in 2022). These are staff members who contribute to promoting the police profession. In 2023, a training initiative was launched for both existing and new contact points. The aim was to provide more candidates with individual assistance via contacts points and to increase their chances of success in the selection tests.
  • Finally, the police recruitment website was actively used with 1,433,055 visitors last year.

Recruitment balance for 2023 in a nutshell:

  • 2,674 candidates passed the selection tests for operational positions in the Integrated Police, including 1,619 for the rank of Police Inspector.
  • 1,043 Aspiring Police Inspectors started the basic training at one of the police schools last year.
  • The success rate for the selection tests for Police Inspectors stood at 26.78% on the Dutch-speaking side and at 21.84% on the French-speaking side.
  • 869 civil staff were recruited for the Integrated Police, 204 of which for the  Federal Police and 665 for the Local Police.
  • In 2023, 48 Aspiring Chief Police Inspectors with Specialization started their training at the Federal Police preparing them for specialized positions in a Computer Crime Unit, a financial investigation unit or any other specialized investigation unit.
  • In 2023, 49 Aspiring Chief Police Inspectors with Specialization started their training preparing them for positions at the Local Police.



Cooperation between the Dossin Kazerne and the Integrated Police

Since 2014, the Integrated Police has been working with the Dossin Kazerne to train future police officers on diversity, integrity, internal relations and welfare at work.

Under the heading HPM (Holocaust, Police, Human Rights) several trainings are provided and elaborated in cooperation with UNIA, the Belgian independent public institution for equal opportunities. 

In 2023, 1,431 police staff took part in an HPM training (1,468 taking into account 37 leaders).

From the beginning of 2014 to the end of 2023, 15,204 police officers attended  the Holocaust, Police and Human Rights (HPM) training, some as trainees, as part of basic training, others for enrichment during their careers.

In the field of integrity, the Serious Game project has made significant progress. This innovative training project teaches police officers to deal with police dilemmas through a game. The basic version of the game is now available to all police schools. 

  • In 2023, 10 train-the-trainer sessions were organized in Dutch and 8 in French.
  • Apart from that, 130 Dutch-speaking and 63 French-speaking game supervisors were trained. 



Specialised training courses

To provide its specialized support, the Federal Police also organized specialized training sessions. In 2023, 777 training sessions were given, such as:

  • EcoFin – Cryptocurrencies
  • Cyber Threat Intelligence
  • Hidden compartments in vehicles
  • Excited Delirium Syndrome (EDS)
  • Police staff post traumatic symptoms and PTSS.




In 2023, 496 new vehicles were commissioned. This amounted to almost 13% (out of a total of 3,905) of the Federal Police's vehicle fleet. This renewal not only resulted in more staff comfort but also in gains in the fields of sustainability and environmental friendliness.

The Federal Highway Police (DAH) commissioned 91 new vehicles, the Federal Judicial Police (PJF/FGP) in the districts 66, and the Forensic Police 6. The Special Units (DSU) received 42 new vehicles, the Coordination and Support Directorates (DCA/CSD) 48 and the Dog Support (DACH) 18.

The logistics staff tailored 49 vehicles to the needs of the dog handlers and the specialisation of their faithful four-legged friends. 

In December 2023, a brand new training centre was inaugurated in Jumet, intended for both the Federal Police and the Local Police. This modern training centre offers optimal conditions for police officers to develop the skills required in the field of violence control. 

The Haras de Wisbecq, the new base of operations for the mounted police units, was also inaugurated in 2023. 

The uniform of the Integrated Police got a major update. In 2023, the design of the new tactical uniform (the former basic equipment) was finalized.

Furthermore, the Federal Police logistics centre’s experts supported the Local Police by producing 50 leather outfits for the motorcycle police officers of the Brussels Capital Ixelles police unit.

The Directorate of Logistics (DRL) manages a wide range of consumables to support the activities of the police in the field. In the past year, the following items were notably distributed to the entities of the Federal Police, with a view to supporting judicial investigations:


  • DNA-tests: 37,750 units
  • Drug tests: 15,422 units
  • Materials for seizures (lab) such as plastic bags, labels, boxes: 106,404 units
  • Materials for fingerprinting: 2,036 units.